
ArtProjects and Solutions offers one to one Coaching and Mentoring, Action Learning and team Coaching through a network of Organisational Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC).

Coaching enables people to look inward, reflect and understand themselves better, uncovering what really matters and enabling the individual to move beyond tasks to what will make them fulfilled. Coaching develops reflective learning and acute listening and questioning skills leading to better performance.

Mentoring is different from coaching, whilst a coach will not give advice but leads the client in self reflection, Mentors share experience and offer advice. Mentoring thereby increases the individual’s knowledge, skills and confidence relevant to the needs of their work.

Action Learning is a cost effective way to bring sustainable coaching to individuals and organisations. Action Learning is a process of learning and reflection, supported by a small group or ‘set’ of people with the intention of moving issues forward.

Each Action Learning set should comprise of no more than eight participants. The set will meet at intervals for sessions of between 3 and 6 hours long. A facilitator guides the participants through a process of non-judgemental questioning that will lead to reflection and action. After 5 – 6 facilitated sessions participants are sufficiently versed in the Action Learning process to self-facilitate their sets.

Organisational Relationship Systems at Work is based on systems theory, the ORSC (Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching) approach examines and then works on the interaction among individuals in a team. The ORSC model works with what is referred to as the 3rd Entity – the collective knowledge and skills of the team. The coach will work at making the voice and character of the 3rd entity a tangible and uniting presence, allowing the team to acquire a detached perspective and to see what the system needs to thrive.

This model is great for building emotional and social intelligence, reawakening motivation, dealing with conflict and toxic communication. ORSC workshops are tailored to the specific needs of a team.

“This experience has made me feel excited about facing my fears – it’s been challenging but I feel a bigger person now, clearer and more confident in my practice.” Coachee

“I found this an enlightening experience, a practical exercise in self realignment and an inspiration. Guided by Ann I was able to rekindle and refine core personal ambitions and devise a strategy for realising them. Sessions were highly specific to my needs and with Ann’s help using visualisation and planning techniques I was able to start closing the gap between my aspirations and their manifestation.” Coachee

“Working with Ann has been like having my own secret weapon to help combat things that stop me moving forward…” Coachee